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Nerd Fonts - Fonts for Developers

Installation of Nerd Fonts does not change the function of Neovim or NvChad, but simply adds fonts that are more pleasing to the eye than whatever the standard terminal font is currently.

Nerd Fonts Nerd Fonts are a collection of modified fonts aimed at developers. In particular, "iconic fonts" such as Font Awesome, Devicons, Octicons etc. are used to add extra glyphs.

Nerd Fonts takes the most popular programming fonts and modifies them by adding a group of glyphs (icons). A font patcher is also available if the font you'd like to use has not already been edited. A convenient preview is available on the site, allowing you to see how the font should look in the editor. For more information, check the project's main site.


Fonts are available for download at:

Installation procedure

The installation of Nerd Fonts in Rocky Linux is done entirely from the command line thanks to the implementation of the procedure provided by the project repository ryanoasis/nerd-fonts, the procedure uses git to retrieve the required fonts and fc-cache for their configuration.


This method can be used on all linux distributions that use fontconfig for system font management.

To begin, retrieve the necessary files from the project repository:

git clone --filter=blob:none --sparse

This command downloads only the necessary files omitting the fonts contained in patched-fonts so as not to weigh down the local repository with fonts that later will not be used, thus allowing for selective installation.
This guide will use the IBM Plex Mono font, which offers a clean and slightly typographic display, features that make it particularly suitable for writing Markdown documentation.
For an overview, with preview, of available fonts you can visit the dedicated site.

Go to the newly created folder and then download the font set with the commands:

cd ~/nerd-fonts/
git sparse-checkout add patched-fonts/IBMPlexMono

The command will download the fonts to the patched-fonts folder and once finished you can install them with the script provided, type:

./ IBMPlexMono

Reserved Name

The font during installation is renamed to BlexMono to comply with the SIL Open Font License (OFL) and in particular the reserved name mechanism.

The script copies the fonts to the user folder ~/.local/share/fonts/ and invokes the fc-cache program to register them on the system. Once finished the fonts will be available for the terminal emulator, in particular we will find the following fonts installed:

├── BlexMonoNerdFont-BoldItalic.ttf
├── BlexMonoNerdFont-Bold.ttf
├── BlexMonoNerdFont-ExtraLightItalic.ttf
├── BlexMonoNerdFont-ExtraLight.ttf
├── BlexMonoNerdFont-Italic.ttf
├── BlexMonoNerdFont-LightItalic.ttf
├── BlexMonoNerdFont-Light.ttf
├── BlexMonoNerdFont-MediumItalic.ttf
├── BlexMonoNerdFont-Medium.ttf
├── BlexMonoNerdFont-Regular.ttf
├── BlexMonoNerdFont-SemiBoldItalic.ttf
├── BlexMonoNerdFont-SemiBold.ttf
├── BlexMonoNerdFont-TextItalic.ttf
├── BlexMonoNerdFont-Text.ttf
├── BlexMonoNerdFont-ThinItalic.ttf
├── BlexMonoNerdFont-Thin.ttf


At this point the Nerd Font of your choice should be available for selection. To actually select it you must refer to the desktop you are using.

Font Manager

If you are using the default Rocky Linux desktop (Gnome), to change the font in the terminal emulator you will just need to open gnome-terminal, go to "Preferences", and set the Nerd Font for your profile.

Author: Franco Colussi

Contributors: Steven Spencer, Ganna Zhyrnova